Author: Leroy Mattingly

  • The Beginning of an Unprecedented Chapter

    The Beginning of an Unprecedented Chapter

    Just when I was pondering the twilight of my career, contemplating retirement, a revolutionary blend of technologies beckoned me to rethink everything. The advent of Apple’s Vision Pro, coupled with the breakthroughs in spatial computing, Large Language Models (LLMs), artificial intelligence, drones, photogrammetry, and the art of functional programming, has reignited my passion with an…

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  • I’ll Take My RESTful Services Well-Done

    I’ll Take My RESTful Services Well-Done

    Last decade was SOA services. This decade is REST services. These days it seems just about everyone is doing REST — but are they doing it well? From all the evidence, it seems most enterprise IT organizations are struggling with the transition from SOA to REST. And it turns out that the mobile platform is…

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